Incentives for Investor

Incentives for Mining

Mining companies have additional incentives in addition to general ones as follows:


Period of carry forward of mining losses has been extended from 5 to 10 years

Withholding tax on interest, rent, consultancy, royalties and dividends is only 15 percent

The restriction of offsetting losses against profits which is limited to 20 percent for mines with a common owner have been removed so that 100 percent of the losses can be offset

Duty free importation of capital equipment and utility vehicles, capital allowance increased to 100 percent

Input tax claim for five years on pre-production expenditure for exploration companies in the mining sector

Zero rate on mining products for export

Please note that there is also a 30 percent corporate tax for mining.


Incentives for Agriculture

Agriculture companies have the following specific incentives:


Dividends payable to farmers are tax exempt for the first 5 years of operation

Fifteen (15) percent income tax on farming profits

Capital expenditure on farm improvements qualifies for an allowance of 20 percent per annum for each of the first five years

Substantial rate of depreciation allowing farm machinery to be written off against tax

Special development allowances for growing certain crops: tea, coffee, bananas, citrus, and other similar trees

Input tax claim tax claim for three months prior to VAT registration for businesses that have already commenced trading

Reduction of VAT rate for in tax free zones

Selected agricultural equipment and accessories – zero rated for VAT: two wheel tractor and accessories; tractors up to 60 horse power; ploughs; harrows; disc harrows; planters; seeders; rippers; sub-soilers; cultivators; pump sets; treadle pumps; hip pumps; hand pumps; knap sack sprayers; and suction, delivery and lay flat hoses. other: hammer mills

Incentives for Manufacturing

Manufacturing companies have additional incentives as follows:


Refund of Zambian VAT on purchase and export of Zambian products by non-resident businesses under the commercial exporters scheme

Input tax claim for three months prior to registration for businesses that have already commenced trading

Input tax claim for two years prior to commencement of production

Duty on a number of raw materials has been reduced from 15 to 5 percent

Five-Fifteen percent duty on some categories of industrial machinery (e.g. industrial furnaces and ovens, printing machinery and machinery used in food production)

Custom duty rate on selected items used on manufacturing process has been reduced

Incentives for Tourism

Tourism companies have additional incentives as follows:


Zero rate – tour packages

Zero rate – other tourist services

Refund to non-resident tourists and visitors

No import VAT on all goods temporarily imported into the country by foreign tourists

Export Incentives

Incentives for exporting companies include:

Fifteen percent corporate tax instead of the normal tax bands

Special exemption from duty and VAT on imports and machinery is offered to exporters of non-traditional products

Multi-Facility Economic Zones (MFEZ) and Industrial Parks

No withholding tax on management of fees, consultancy, and interest repayments to foreign contractors

Supplies to developers of MFEZ and industrial parks- zero rated

Foreign supplies to the MFEZ and industrial parks exempt from reverse VAT charge

Raw materials, equipment and machinery imported for the development of MFEZ and industrial parks exempt for from customs duty

Zero percent tax rate on dividends for companies operating in MFEZ for a period of 5 years

Zero percent tax rate on profits for companies operating in MFEZ for a period of 5 years; year 6-8 (50 percent of profits taxed); year 9-10 (75 percent of profits taxed)


The tax rates in Zambia are as follows:

Standard: 35 percent

Mining: 30 percent

Farming: 15 percent

Non Traditional Exports: 15 percent

Personal Income Tax: 25 to 35 percent

VAT: 16 percent

Withholding Tax: 15 percent on rental income, consultancy, dividends and royalties for non-residents